Hey there,
Have you ever wondered how and why you get served certain ads on your feed? There is a science to it, but it is not as complicated as you think.
Here is your journey as a prospective customer:
As you can see, your funnel must follow a sequence. Every time you start an ads funnel, you start with the top, the visit to your website. For your funnel to arrive at conversions, several steps must be completed by your audience member. Once you see the reminder on your feed of "complete your purchase," it is because you found yourself at the bottom of the funnel; you're ready to convert.
How can you get more conversions? Start with a prospecting ad! Without a prospective audience, you cannot increase your sales. Your regulars will convert only so much. Of course, you could have email/SMS subscribers by now or previous visitors and shoppers, but those are no longer a cold or prospective audience; they are considered a warm audience—more on that in another email.
Ready to get started? Try this 👇
Try using video for a higher response ad! It's easy to create one with Canva or Adobe Express.
If video is not your thing (I hope it is), then a single ad image would be a good start or a carousel.
Give it a go Katelynn, and start learning about your audience's preferences and interests!
Do you have any questions for me? DM me and let me know.
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